He is Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammadshahib Marbath.
Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali al-dubbed with thetitle of cleric al-a'zham because he is a great teacher and a Sufi tariqapauperism runs (only intend to Allah swt) and Sufism bertasawuf with a cleanand preserved from the that are unlawful, according to al-Quran and al-Sunnahwho disyiarkan with the spirit of Islam and monotheism
Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali blessed with 5children, namely men Ghuyur Alwi al-Ali, Ahmad, Abdullah and Abdurahman.And thecontinued descendants of only 3 people are: Alwi al-Ghuyur, Ali and Ahmad.
Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad ibn Ali died in the year 653Tarim Hijriyah.


Asadullah FI ARDHIHI
He is Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Ali ibn MuhammadAtturobi al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
For Fi called by Asadullah Shaikh Muhammad Asadullah Ardhihibecause very keen to read the Qur'an and understand its meaning.He was alwaysup to worship God at the end of the third night, so he felt himselfannihilated. He was eager to read the Qur'an and understand its meaning andpleasure to him when he was reading the Koran, so he felt as a lion, and saidin the silence of the night with the words "Ana Fi Asadullah Ardhihi"
In the book of al-Masyra 'is told that he was blessed withsix sons, and three people who continued his descent, namely:
Fuel 1.Abu Basyaiban (d. 800 AH)
2.Hasan, lower family: Jamalullail, Bin Sahal, Baharun,al-Junaid, al-Qadri and al-Siri), died in 757 AH.
3.Ahmad, lower family: al-Syatri, al-Ethiopia and Syanbal.
Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Hasan died in 778 Atturobi Hijriyah.

A'yun dubbed al-Wali Allah of which is Alwi Alwi binAbdullah bin Muhammad bin al-Maula Dawilah (family ancestor al-Muqaibil).
Al-A'yun degree because he had given the width of the blackpupils of her eyes so it looks beautiful.

The first time was called Wali Allah al-Bar is Alwi bin Alibin Ali bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Ahmad bin Muhammadal-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
He was held by al-Baar because it is very obedient (filial)for his mother in good faith that this devout little done by the child againsthis mother. He was named after his father (Ali bin Ali), because when hisfather died, he was still in the womb of his mother, he is only obedient to hismother because his father had died. Wali Allah Ali bin Ali Albar endowed withthree sons named: Abubakar, Abdullah and Husin.
Wali Allah Ali bin Ali al-Bar was born and died in the cityDau'an, Hadramaut.

They are the descendants of the family of Shaikh Abu Bakrbin Salim and their progenitor was Wali Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr bin AbiBakr bin Abdurahman bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Abi Bakr bin Hussein binSyaichon Shaikh Abu Bakr bin Salim.
Named 'Battah' because he was born in Battah a city locatedon the west Sahil, East Africa.

They are descendants of the family of al-Jufri. Datu WaliAllah they were Syaichan bin Alwi Alwi bin Abdullah bin al-Attarisi Chawas binAbu Bakr al-Jufri.
The first time was called 'al-Bahar' was the father of HabibWali Allah Saleh Hasan al-Bahar.
Degree that carried by al-Syaich Semir Abdullah bin in hisbook al-Nahri Giladat containing manakib al-Habib Hasan bin Saleh al-Bahar,stated that the first time given the title of al-Bahar is his father, Salah.Title was given because he seemed sacred when it is often sail at sea. Inaddition, this title is given as wide as the breadth of his knowledge of thesea.
Wali Allah ibn Hasan Salah Al-Bahar blessed with five sons,namely: Muhammad, Abdullah, Ja'far, Abdul Kadir and Salah

The first time was called Wali Allah al-Ibrahim bin Abdullahbin Ibrahim bin Abdullah Abdurahman Assaqqaf.
For al-Ibrahim called because the name was attributed to hisgrandfather. Abraham is a Hebrew name as Ismail, Ishaq, and Ya'qub Yusuf whothen put the name in Arabic.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Ali bin Muhammad binSyech Dawilah Maula Ali bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
In addition there are also other descendants of Wali AllahBarakat Barakat ibn Ahmad al-Syatiri.
Provision of this title, because they expect the progenitorof God's grace and goodness, so many of his children and grandchildren whobecome Auliya '.
Sych bin Ali Wali Allah Barakat died at 813 years old TarimHijriyah.

Barum is attributed to the hereditary title of Wali AllahHasan bin Muhammad bin Alwi bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Alwi binMuhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
Named the 'Barum' because he was given a cue to go to Barumvillage and settled there and became an elder in the science and the glory duehis blessing. Barum is a hamlet about 20 km from Mukalla city of Hadramout.
Barum Hasan Wali Allah blessed with four sons named:Abdurahman, Omar, Ali and Ahmad.
Wali Allah Hasan Barum died in the town of Tarim year 927 H.

He is Ismail Wali Allah (Basri) Ubaidillah bin Isa bin Ahmadbin al-Muhajir. Basri was the second son of Ahmad bin Isa bin Ubaidullah.Thefirst child named Wayne, he was the grandfather of the family Ba'alawi, and athird child named Jadid.
Named Basri was taken from the name of the city of Basrah,who later moved with his family and his grandfather al-Imam Ahmad bin Isaal-Muhajir to the land of Hadramaut. This title is a title of some familiesthat datuknya Alawiyin named Basri and they called it with Bin al-Basri. Basriuninterrupted descent in the early sixth century Hijriyah.

Which was first titled 'Babathinah' was Wali Allah ibn Ahmadibn Abdurahman bin Ahmad bin Alwi Alwi Abdurrahman ibn al-Faqih Amu.
He is the founder of the mosque in Tarim Babathinah and hasa lush plantation and named Babathinah.
Abdurahman bin Ahmad Wali Allah Babathinah endowed with 4children, namely: Chadijah Ahmad, Umar al-Ahmar Uyun, Ali and Muhammadal-Shonhazi Maghfun.

Degree attributed to al-Bayti Baiti Maslamah a villagewithin ten kilo meters from the Tarim. The title borne by:
Wali Allah Alwi bin Ali bin Ali bin Abu Bakr al-Facher. Hewas born in Bait al-Maslamah. Blessed with a son named Muhammad, who loweredhis descendants. Ali Wali Allah al-Bayti died in the Temple of Aa-Maslamah in915 H.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr ibn Ibrahim ibn al-Imam AbdurrahmanAssegaf was born in the town of Tarim. 3 people blessed with a son namedAbraham, and Ismail Ahmad. Wali Allah Abu Bakr al-Bayti d. 905 H in the town ofTarim.

Family of al-Biedh bernisbat to their grandfather Ahmad WaliAllah bin Abdurahman bin Hussein bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Muhammadal-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
He dubbed this title because he is a man who pursue thewhite days of fasting, namely fasting on the day of the thirteenth, fourteenthand fifteenth of each month at Qamariyah. Fasting is he doing as ittiba 'of theProphet.
Wali Allah ibn Ahmad Al-Biedh Abdurhamnan endowed with twoboys, named: Abdurahman and Makhrus. Ahmad Wali Allah ibn Abdurahman al-Biedhdied in the year 945 Syihir Hijriyah.

He is Ahmad Wali Allah Babarik bin Abdurrahman bin Mohammedbin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
Wali Allah Umar was born in the town of Tarim Babarik.Blessed with 3 children, namely men: Hasan, Ali and Umar. While that continues,he is a descendant of Umar in Surat, India.
Ahmad Wali Allah Babarik died in the town of Tarim.

He is Wali Allah Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad al-Faqihal-Muqaddam.
Given the title of al-Turobi, because he is a very tawadhu'and likens himself to the ground.
Hasan bin Ali Wali Allah Atturobi had a son named MuhammadAsadullah.

They are the descendants of Ali Wali Allah Jahdab binAbdurahman bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Alwi Ba'alawi bin Muhammad al-Faqihal-Muqaddam.
Because the title of the 'Bajahdab', because he lived in thevillage Jahadabah, Yemen.
Abdurahman bin Ali Wali Allah Jahdab boy blessed with twopeople: Abud and Mohammad al-Mualim. Muhammad al-Mualim has a son named Wayne.One of his descendants who became the leader of the family there Alawiyin(Naqib al-Alawi) is the son of Alwi Ahmad Wali Allah Bajahdab. He died at 973years old Tarim Hijriyah.

Who was given the title "Jadid" was Wali Allah binJadid Ubaidillah bin Isa bin Ahmad al-Muhajir.
He was the third son of Ubaidullah bin Isa bin Ahmadal-Muhajir.
Named "Jadid" because of his family, led by Ahmadal-Muhajir bin Isa moved from Basra to a new place called Hadramaut.
Jadid unbroken descent in the early sixth century Hijriyah.

Which was first dubbed "al-Djufri" Wali Allah wasMuhammad bin Abu Bakr bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Faqihal-Muqaddam.
That carried the title because he was called by thegrandfather of his mother Wali Allah ibn Muhammad Abdurahman Assegaf MaulaDawilah Djufratiy as a pet means a child who was plump and muscular. And as anadult he became an expert in the science of Jafar, the formulas that useletters and numbers written on the skin of Jafar (young goat). One day he losthis book that contains knowledge Jafar, saying he was looking for Jafri (meaningthe book of science Jafarku). Then started since he was called al-Jufri. WaliAllah Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad al-Djufri born in the town of Tarim, blessed withfive sons, namely: Muhammad, Abdullah, Ahmad, al-Alwi Chawas and Umar. Of thefive children who lost their offspring is Muhammad and Abdullah, while theother three children of lower descent al-Djufri like: al-kaf, al-Shafi andal-Bahar.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad al-Djufri died in the townof Tarim in the year 860 AH.

Djamalullail is the degree to Wali Allah al-Imam Muhammadbin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Alwi al-Faqih al-Muqaddam (unbrokendescent) and al-Imam Muhammad bin Hasan bin Muhammad al-Mua'alim AsadilahAtturabi Hasan bin.
That carried the title because they always fill the nightswith a day of worship, prayer both tahajud and other sunnah prayers and readQur'an, prayers and other prayers and dhikr performed during his lifetime.Therefore he was called by Djamalullail.
Djamalullail Wali Allah Muhammad was born in the town ofTarim, a boy blessed with two people:
Abdullah bin Muhammad Djamalullail. From both his grandsonand Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Ahmad lower Djamalullail in theHadramaut, Makkah and India as well as some in Aceh and the island of Java.
Ali bin Muhammad Djamalullail, lower ancestral al-Qadri,al-Asiry, al-Baharun and al-Junaid.
Djamalullail Wali Allah Muhammad died in the town of Tarimin the year 845 H.

They are a tribe of the family of al-Shaikh Abu Bakr binSalim, who ascribed to the descendants of Ali Wali Allah ibn Muhammad ibnHusayn ibn Abi Bakr bin Salim Sheikh.
Jindan is the title for their grandfather, and they wereeach named by Bin Jindan the descendants of Shaikh Salim bin Abi Bakr.
Wali Allah Mohammed bin Ali bin Abi Bakr Shaikh Husien binInat died in about the year 1200H.

Which was first dubbed 'al-Jannah' is the Wali AllahMuhammad bin Hasan bin Abdullah bin Harun bin Hasan bin Ali bin MuhammadJamalullail.
That carried the title, because he is a well-known toscience, glory, and worship. According to al-Masyra Shohib 'called al-Jannah ashe prayed a lot and really miss heaven. And God answered the prayer andlonging.

Al-Junaid is attributed to the hereditary title of WaliAllah Abu Bakar bin Umar ibn Harun bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Hasan bin Muhammadbin Hasan al-Jamallullail mu'alim Asadillah Muhammad bin Hasan Atturabi. Namedfor the purpose tabarukkan Djunaid that would become like Wali Allah Wali Allahcalled Muhammad a Djunaid bin Sayid al-sufiyah Atthaifah famous.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr al-Junaid was born in the town of Tarimin 1053 H. Blessed with 5 children and only one offspring a child who is Aliibn Abu Bakr al-Junaid. Descendants in the town of Tarim, and Singapore.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr al-Junaid died in the town of Tarim.

They are the descendants of Al-Wali Allah al-Achdor Djunaidbin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Alwi al-Qasam Syaibah bin Abdullah bin Alibin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
That carried the title because his grandfather gave the nametabarukkan Djunaid with a view to someday be like Wali Allah Wali Allah calledMuhammad bin Djunaid a famous Sufiyah.
Wali Allah was born in Gasam Djunaid Achdor, men endowedwith 5 children, 3 among the offspring, namely: Syaich, Ahmad and Muthahhar.
Wali Allah Djunaid Achdor gasam died in the year 1032 H.

They are the descendants of Muhammad ibn Ahmad Wali Allahal-Alwi bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Syaibah bin Abdullah Ba'alawi.
Given the title 'Gilani', as tabarukkan to Shaykh AbdulQadir Jilani.Gilani is a place in Persia.
Muhammad bin Ahmad Wali Allah has a son named Sych, Hadar,and Abdurahman Ahmad (grandfather of the family of al-Junaid al-Achdor).

They are descendants of Wali Allah al-Hamid al-Shaykh ibnAbi Bakr bin Salim.
Carried the title of al-Hamid because his father wanted hisson to be thankful to Allah Almighty to always praise him.
Hamid Wali Allah al-Hamid was born in the town of Inat, hewas blessed with 8 children and men who continue the descent only 5 people,namely:
1.Muthahhar, the offspring is al-Aqil Muthahhar.
2.Umar, the offspring is al-Salim ibn Umar (mostly inIndonesia)
Fuel 4.Abu
Wali Allah al-Hamid Abu Bakar bin Syaich Inat died in theyear 1030 AH.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Ali bin Abu Bakr binAhmad bin Muhammad bin Assadilah Atturabi Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad al-Faqih Muqaddam.
That carried the title of dikarena he often traveled to thecity Habashah in Africa and he had lived there for 20 years for the Islamicda'wah.
Wali Allah ibn Abi Bakr al-Ali was born in the town of TarimEthiopia, blessed with a son named Wayne. Alwi man has 5 children, 2 of themlowered his descendants, namely:
1.Ali, his descendants are in the city of Medina.
2.Muhammad al-Ashgor, have 4 children:
a.Umar (descendants were cut off in Tarim)
b.Ali (fewer offspring in Makkah)
c.Abdurrahman, his descendants are in Palembang, Jambi, Siakand Aceh.
d.Ahmad shahib Syi'ib, had 9 children:
1.Al-Hasan, the offspring is called al-al-Rausyan Ethiopia.
2.Hadi, had two children named:
a.Idrus, continue the descent al-al-Syabsyabah Ethiopia(among his descendants is the Wali Allah al-Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Nuhal-Ethiopia in Singapore).
b.Abdurahman, is the progenitor Wali Allah al-Habib Alial-Ethiopia Kwitang (see his biography genealogy Habib Ali bin Abdurrahmanal-Ethiopia).
3.Alwi, the offspring is called al-Ahmad ibn Zain is theprogenitor Wali Allah al-Habib Muhammad bin al-Ethiopia K. (Gubbah AmpelSurabaya)
4.Husein, have two children, namely:
a.Shodiq (descendants in Hadramaut, Surabaya and Malacca)
b.Muhammad, one of his descendants was Wali Allah al-HabibAlwi bin Ali bin Muhammad al-Ethiopia (Masjid Ar-Riyadh, Solo)
5.Idrus (descendants in Yafi 'and India)
6.Hasyim (descendants in
7.Syaich (descendants in Lihij and Dasinah)
Wali Allah Abu Bakar bin Ali bin Ahmad died in the town ofTarim year 857 H.

Who first called Wali Allah al-Haddad was Ahmad ibn Abi Bakrbin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Masrafah Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Alwi Abdurrahman ibnal-Faqih Ammu.
Al-Habib Ahmad bin Abi Bakr was the one who hideskewaliannya Wali Allah. He was called by al-Haddad as they often associate witha blacksmith and was often in place of iron forging. In addition there is alsosomeone who he named Ahmad from the group known Alawiyin tang and has manyfollowers and called al-Habib Ahmad bin Abi Bakr al-Haddad (blacksmith).al-Habib Ahmad bin Abi Bakr replied with a show called sacred, so people knowthat he is a Wali Allah who has a high degree and their hearts were forged withthe incident. So they called al-Habib Ahmad bin Abi Bakr al-Haddad (Hammersmithheart).
Ahmad Wali Allah al-Haddad was born in the town of Tarim,blessed with a son named Wayne. To 31 offspring of the Messenger of Allah isthe Wali Allah al-Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad (Sohibur Ratib). Abdullahibn al-Habib al-Haddad Alwi sisters with al-Habib Umar bin al-Haddad Alwi. Theynever come to Indonesia. Descendants of Abdullah ibn al-Habib al-Haddad Alwilot in East Java, while the descendants of al-Habib Umar bin al-Haddad Alwi aremostly located at the Sunday Market (including al-Habib Alwi bin Tahiral-Haddad)
Ahmad Wali Allah bin Abi Bakr died in the town of Tarim year870 H.

Aal-discussion (BANAHSAN)
The discussion carried by the title:
1.Keluarga discussion (Banahsan) As-Sakran, namely: Hasanbin Ali bin Abi Bakr al-Sakran (Siak kingdom, known as Shahab Bin)
2.Keluarga Faqis discussion, namely: Hasan bin Abdullah binAbdurrahman Assaqqaf.
3.Keluarga al-Thowil discussion, namely: Hasan bin Muhammadbin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Abdurahman bin Alwi (Ammu al-Faqih)
4.Keluarga Jamalullail discussion, namely: Muhammad binAbdullah bin Muhammad.

They are the descendants of Husayn bin Ahmad Wali Allah ibnal-Imam Ali bin Abdurahman Assegaf and Hussein bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Alwial-Maula Dawilah. Wali Allah al-Imam Hussein bin Abdurrahman al-saqqaf born inTarim, a man blessed with six children, and the offspring of three people:
1.Abdurahman, lower ancestral al-Bahsein and al-Musawa
2.Ahmad, which lowers the ancestral Ahmad bin Husseinal-Karbiy
3.Ali Makki, lower ancestral Muhammad al-Olive, al-Bahusein.
Hussein al-Wali Allah Bahsein died in the year 896 H. Tarim

They are the descendants of Abu Bakar Wali Allah ibn Hasanibn Husayn bin Abu Bakr bin Salim Syaich. They were given the title ofal-Hiyyed because their ancestor lived in a place called Hiyyed on amountainside in Inat. Wali Allah Abdullah bin Abu Bakr was born in Inat,blessed with a son named Abu Bakr al-Hiyyed lower descent in Indonesia.
He died in the city Inat year 1169 H.

They are the descendants of Muhammad ibn Wali Allah HamidanAlwi Abdurrahman bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin al-FaqihMuqaddam. Called al-Chirrid because he was often worshiped in caves in themountains Chirrid Aqrun in Tarim. Worship is done, among others, engage inmeditation with the mind and heart and body worship as did the Apostle in thecave of Hira.
Wali Allah al-Alwi Chirrid died in the year 808 H. Tarim

They are the descendants of that attributed to Ahmad WaliAllah ibn Umar ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr al-Wara 'bin Ahmad binMuhammad al-Faqih Muqaddam.
Al-Chaneman title comes from the word Chanam, some residentssaid the Hadramaut ascribe to this type of dates are dates chanam.But it is notknown whether this is associated with the above title.
Ahmad Wali Allah ibn Umar Chaneman blessed with two sonsnamed: Umar and Abdullah.
Ahmad Wali Allah ibn Umar died in 893 H Chaneman in the townof Tarim. 33.

Al-Chamur is attributed to the hereditary title of WaliAllah Hasan bin Saleh bin Hussein bin Abi Bakr bin Salim Shaikh
Carried the title because their grandfather settled inChamur, a place famous in the west Syibam.

Who was given the title of Wali Allah is the Maula-ChailahAbdurahman bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Alwi Dawilah Maula.
Carried the title because he lived in the mountains Chailahfamous in the west of Tarim. Chailah Khala comes from the word meaning nurture.For the next word is given to those who maintain worship.
Abdurahman Wali Allah Maula Chailah Tarim died in 914 Hijriyear.

The first time was called Wali Allah al-Chuun AlwiAbdurrahman bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Ba'alawi.
He was given the title of al-Chuun, because he lived in thevillage of al-Chuun located east Hadramaut.
Wali Allah bin Alwi Abdurrahman descent interrupted in thetwelfth century Hijriyah.

He is Wali Allah al-Maula Muhammad bin Ali bin Alwi Dawilahbin Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
Given the title of al-Maula Dawilah because he lived in thehamlet near the tomb of the prophet Hud Yabhar as, in the eastern Hadramaut.Dawilah Maula Muhammad Wali Allah and his followers built a house in thevillage. So the first Yabhar quiet hamlet became crowded. Village calledal-Dawilah which means the old village.Wali Allah was called Muhammad al-Maulavillage leaders Dawilah Dawilah means. Son named Abdurahman Assaqqaf also builda town nearby called Yabhar. The first village called Yabhar old village whilethe second is a new Yabhar. Subsequently the name of al-Maula Dawilah devotedto child Maula Muhammad al-Shaykh Abdurahman Assaqqaf Dawilah besides having aspecial title.
Ahmad Wali Allah al-Maula Dawilah Yabhar born in the city. 4people blessed with a son, Abdurahman Assaqqaf namely, Ali, Abdullah and Alwi.
Muhammad Wali Allah al-Maula Dawilah died in the year 765 AHTarim.

The first time was called Wali Allah al-Dzi'bu Muhammad binSalim bin Ahmad bin Hussein bin Shaikh Abu Bakr bin Salim.
That carried the title, because he fights with a bunch ofwolves that attack their goats and he managed to catch the Wolf. That's why hecalled al-Dzi'bu.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Umar bin Ahmad binMuhammad bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
Regarding the title of the information obtained is notclear, whether he has a strong shoulder, which in Arabic is called Raqbah orrelated to a place where there are wells and palm trees near the town of Tarim,called 'Baraqbah'.
Baraqbah Wali Allah Umar was born in Tarim, blessed with ason named Abdurahman.Beliau died in 895 H.

The first time was called Wali Allah al-Ruchailah Umar binMuhammad bin Ali bin Umar bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Faqih Muqaddam.
That carried the title because he is a person who does nothave anything, just have a kid who in Arabic al-Rachilah. Pet goat was cut whenhe entertained his guests to eat. When he learned that the dish was not leftout to his family, he pleaded to God Almighty that the goat was revived assustenance for him. God answered his prayer with goat revived.
Muhammad al-Wali Allah blessed with 5 children Rachilah menare: Hasan, Ali, Husin, Alwi, Salim. An offspring named Salim commonly known asal-Ruchailah Ba'Umar through his son who has two children named Umar.UmarBa'Umar Muhammad (descendants in Indonesia) and Ali Ba'Umar (Zailah descendantsin Africa).
Wali Allah Muhammad al-Ruchailah died in the town of Tarim.

They are the descendants of al-Zahir Wali Allah bin Muhammadbin Ali bin Husin bin Muhammad bin al-Ashgor Syahabuddin bin Abdurahman binSyahabuddin al-Akbar. And the title of al-Zahir Wali Allah ascribed also to thedescendants of Muhammad al-Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin famousSyahabuddin bin al-Ashgor. The two families met at al-Habib Muhammad bin Ahmadal-Ashgor Syahabuddin.
That carried the title due to light his beautiful faceradiant, beautiful and clear, especially when he is in Majlis to give lessons /advice.
Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Zahir was born in the townof Tarim, a boy blessed with two people, one of whom is named Abdullah al-Zahirlower descent residing in Indonesia.
Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Zahir died in 1203 in theTarim

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Hasan bin Ahmad binMuhammad bin Masrafah Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Alwi Abdurrahman ibn al-FaqihAmmu.
Hasan was named Sakutah or with Basakutah, because he is aman who was quiet and a little talk, and if you speak only the words are fine.

The first time was dubbed al-Wali Allah al-saqqaf Muqaddamal-Thani bin Abdurrahman al-Imam Muhammad bin Ali Maula Dawilah bin Alwi binMuhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
That carried the title because he is the protector of theguardians of his day to avoid the case of heresy. The nature of expert scholarsand wise saints who called him 'al-Saqqaf', as he shut the condition of thepeople in his day. He is hated by kesohoran. Height of his degree from thetrustees of his time as the position of the roof of the house.
He was born in the town of Tarim, blessed with a son 13, and7 offspring: Abu Bakr As-Sakran, Alwi, Ali, Aqil, Abdullah, Hussein andIbrahim.
Abdurahman Al-Wali Allah saqqaf died in the year 819 H.Tarim

He is the son of Abu Bakr al-saqqaf Abdurahman Muhammad ibnal-Maula Dawilah.
Was called by al-sakran, because he was intoxicated with thelove of Allah swt.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr al-sakran blessed with five sons,namely: Muhammad al-akbar, Hasan, Abdullah, Ali, and Ahmad. Of the three childrennamed Abdullah, Ali and Ahmad al-Aydrus lose family, Syahabuddin, al-famous,al-Hadi al-Wahath, al-Munawar.
Abu Bakr al-Wali Allah sakran Tarim died in 821 Hijri year.

The first time was called al-Wali Allah was Muhammad BinSumaith bin Abdurahman bin Ali bin Ahmad bin Ahmad bin Alwi Alwi bin Abdurahmanbin al-Faqih Ammu.
That carried the title because in her childhood by hermother she was fitted with a necklace of yarn used by the child and calledSumaith. While walking down the necklace and the mother is reluctant to turnaround to pick it up. Mother and son go on and let the necklace was left, whilethe people who witnessed the incident thought that the mother did not know ifthe necklace his son fell and tried to tell the screaming Sumaith. So since itwas dubbed Semith child.
Wali Allah Muhammad Bin Semith born in the town of Tarim,blessed with a son named Abdullah, who lowered his descendants in the Tarim,Syibam, Taribah, Goroh (Hadramaut), Zanzibar and Indonesia (Borneo, Manado,Sumba, Denpasar, Madura, Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Pekalongan)
Wali Allah Muhammad Bin Semith died in the year 950 AHTarim.

Who first dubbed al-Wali Allah is Semithan Bin Muhammad binAhmad bin Muhammad bin Alwi Dawilah Maula.
That carried the title, because he was an enterprising man,has grown smaller and resides in a Badiyah Hadromiyah whose inhabitants arehard-working people.

They are the descendants of Ali ibn Umar walyullah binAbdullah bin Harun bin Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Hasan al-JamalullailMualim Asadillah bin Hasan bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad Atturabi al-Faqihal-Muqaddam.
He was given the title by al-Sirry as a tabarruk to a famousWali Allah al-Syaich al-al-Saqthi Series.
Ali Wali Allah al-Series was born in the town of Tarim, menendowed with 3 children: Ahmad, Aqil and Umar. Ali Wali Allah al-Series died inthe town of Tarim in 1053 H.

Aal-BIN Sahl
Wali Allah they bernasab to Sahl bin Abdullah bin Ahmad binMuhammad bin Hasan bin Muhammad Jamalullail Asadillah Atturabi Hasan bin. Hecalled Sahal because bertabarruk to Sahl al-Sayid al-Tastari.
Sahl ibn Ahmad Wali Allah was born in the town of Tarim, blessedwith 3 boys, 2 of them went the young offspring and Ahmad Alwi.
Sahil bin Ahmad Wali Allah died in Tarim year 973 H.

They are the descendants of Ali Wali Allah bin Alwi binAhmad bin Muhammad bin Hasan Asadilah Atturabi bin Ali bin Muhammad al-Faqihal-Muqaddam.
That carried the title because he always split the treasurehe had told his brother Abubakar al-Habib al-Ethiopia. Dividing the two inArabic is Syathara.
Wali Allah al-Alwi syathri born in Tarim, a man endowed with5 children and 2 of them who continued descent, namely: Muhammad and Umar.
Alwi Al-Wali Allah in the Tarim syathri died in 843 H.

They are descendants of K. Wali Allah ibn al-Hadi bin Ahmadbin Muhammad al shahib Syi'ib-Ashgor bin Alwi bin Abi Bakr al-Ethiopia.
Syabsyabah is the name of a special type of palm tree andthe community would prefer it if the date palm in a state mengkal (half done).ibn al-Habib al-Hadi K. Syabsyabah named because he has a palm tree as a resultof the hard work of their parents.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Abu Bakr bin Abdullahbin Alwi bin Abdullah al-Syaibah bin Ali bin Abdullah Ba'alawi.
Datuk they dubbed the 'Syillih' as amer verb meaning 'takeit or take it'. The title is not able to clear information.
WaliyullahAbdullah bin Abi Bakr al-Syili blessed with threesons named: Abubakar, Ahmad and Aqil. Of his son Abu Bakr blessed with a great-grandsonnamed Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abi fuel bin Abdullah bin al-Abibakar Syili,author of the book of al-Masra 'al-Rawi contains biographies of prominentscholars who Alawiyin.

They bernasab to Wali Allah Abu Bakr bin Abdullah bin Muhammadbin Abdurahman Assegaf Dawilah Maula.
In his days the news spread that he has received from GodAlmighty karomah. He was a man always in trouble and his life as an asceticlife. On his way to Mecca to perform the pilgrimage, he missed the boat to bethrown, there arises a sense of sadness and regret at her for fear of not ableto perform the pilgrimage, while there are only a blanket on him (syamilah),then spread a Wali Allah Abu Bakr syamilahnya in the beach and up onto it, thenmeluncurlah blanket quickly to the left ahead of the ship. The incident waswitnessed by a crowd, since he was called by Basyumailah.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr was born in the town of Tarim Basymilah,blessed with two sons of Ahmad and Abdullah. He died in the town of Tarim in843 H

The first time was called Wali Allah Syahabuddin Abdurahmanbin Ahmad bin Ahmad bin Abdurahman bin Syahabuddin Syaich Ali ibn al-As-sakranAbu Bakar bin Abdurahman Assegaf.
Syahabuddin is a title attributed to the scholars of thegreat and famous with the breadth of their knowledge and writings have had muchof his time. Habib al-Ahmad al-Akbar Syahabuddin and his grandson al-HabibAhmad al-Ashgor Syahabuddin are two famous Wali Allah and proper use of thetitle, then both the title Syahabuddin. That is because the grandeur andbreadth of their knowledge. For each of our children and grandchildren al-Habibal-Ashgor Syahabuddin called Bin Syahab except a few families are known byother titles such as al-renowned and al-Zahir. The Aal-alhadi, they are thedescendants of his uncle, al-Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Hadi al-AkbarSyahabuddin children and grandchildren and his brother al-Hadi bin Abdurahmanbin Ahmad al-Akbar Syahabuddin. Syahabudin Wali Allah al-Akbar was born in thetown of Tarim, a man endowed with 3 children
A. Muhammad al-Hadi, descendants of al-al-Hadi BinSyahab.Grandson named:
a.Ali bin Idrus bin Muhammad al-Hadi. The breed was inPalembang, Jakarta and Pekalongan.
b.Syihabuddin bin Idrus bin Muhammad al-Hadi, the offspringare in Malaysia and Singapore.
2. Umar, al-Syahab offspring al-Mahjub (Palembang)
3. Abdurahman al-Qadi al-Akbar ibn Syahabudin, endowed manwith 4 children:
a.Abu Bakr, his descendants in Zhufar, Amman, Palembang.
b.Abdullah, descendants in Malabar.
c.Muhammad bin Abdurrahman al-Hadi al-Qadhi, the offspringis called al-Hadi.
d.Syahabuddin bin Abdurrahman al-Qadi (al-Ahmad SyahabuddinAshgor), his descendants: Bin al-Hussein, al-Idrus Bin, Bin al-Zain.Ahmad WaliAllah al-Ashgor Syahabuddin Tarim years died in 1036, his descendants and thefamous al-al-Zahir.
Ahmad Wali Allah al-Akbar Syahabuddin Tarim died in the year946 AH.

They bernasab to Wali Allah Abu Bakr bin Muhammad binAsadillah Atturabi Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
Syaiban derived from the word al-Syaibu which means gray. Hewas given the title by al-syaiban for elderly and have white hair, it adds tohis greatness and authority.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr was born in the town of Tarim Basyeban,endowed boys 2 men, one of which is: Ahmad Basyeban.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr died in Tarim Basyeban year 807 H.

Who first called Abu Bakr al-Syaich Bin Salim Abu Bakr wasWali Allah bin Salim bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Abdullah bin al-ImamAbdurahman Assegaf.
That carried the title because he is a professor ofreligious studies and a leader. He was a mystic who holds quthub guardian.
Syaich Wali Allah Abu Bakr bin Salim was born in the town ofTarim in the year 919 H, endowed with 13 boys and 9 descendants of people wholose a child, named: Husin, Hamid, Umar, Hasan, Ahmad, Salah, Ali, Syaichon,Abdullah. Of the children is lower among families of al-Hamid, al-al-KhiyyidMuhdharm, al-Khamur, al-Haddar, Abu Futhaim, and Bin Jindan.
Syaich Wali Allah Abu Bakr bin Salim died in the city Inatyear 992 AH.

Ash-Syaichon family and Bin Syaichon carried by some of WaliAllah, including:
1.Al-Bin Syaichon: Syaichon bin Muhammad bin Muhammad binSyaichon Syaichon bin Husayn bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Shohib Syi'ib bin Alwibin Abi Bakr al-Ethiopia.
2.Al-Syaichon: Bin Aqil ibn Salim (the brother Shaikh Abu Bakrbin Salim)
3.Al-Syaichon: Bin Hussein bin Shaikh Abu Bakr bin Salim
4.Al-Syaichon: Abud Bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ali MaulaBa'bud Dawilah of the family.
5.Al-Syaichon: Bin Ali bin Hashim bin Muhammad bin Hashimbin Sych (family discussion).

Shahib AL-Hamra '
Who first dubbed al-Hamra shahib Wali Allah is Umar binAbdurrahman bin Mohammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Faqihal-Muqaddam.
That carried the title, because he lives in the name of thecity's famous Hamra in Yemen.
Descendants Wali Allah is Umar bin Abdurrahman Balghaitsfamily.

AL-HUTHOH shahib
Who first dubbed shahib Huthoh was Wali Allah al-Ali binMohammed bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin al-Faqih Ammu Alwi Abdurrahman ibnal-Faqih.
That carried the title, because he lived in Huthoh areaslocated west of the town of Tarim, Hadramaut.

AL-SYI'IB shahib
The first time dujuluki shahib Syi'ib was Wali Allahal-Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Asghor bin Alwi bin Abi Bakr al-Ethiopia.
That carried the title, because he was buried in Syi'ib.Also buried in the place his grandfather al-Imam al-Muhajir Ahmad bin Isa. Thearea is located between the city of Tarim and Seiwun.

Shahib QASAM
The first time was dubbed shahib Qasam Wali Allah bin Ahmadbin Abdullah bin Alwi Syaibah Ali bin Abdullah Ba'alawi.
That carried the title, because he moved from Tarim toQasam.Qasam is a city that was founded by Imam Ali al-Khali 'Qasam bin AlwiAlwi bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Ubaidullah bin Isa bin. In that city he wasplanting palm trees to remind him of Qasam in Basrah city that belonged to hisgrandfather al-Muhajir Ahmad bin Isa.
Ahmad Wali Allah bin Alwi Qasam Syaibah endowed five sons,named: Alwi, Husin, Abubakar, Abdurahman, Abdullah and Muhammad (lower familyof al-Junaid al-Achdhor)

The first time was dubbed shahib Marbath Wali Allah binMuhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Alwi Alwi bin Ahmad bin Isa bin Ubaidullahal-Muhajir.
That carried the title, because he lived in Marbath Zhufar,before he lived in the Tarim zhufar called with the old.

Shahib Maryamah
The first time was dubbed shahib Maryamah Wali Allah binAhmad bin Alwi Abdurrahman Assaqqaf.
That carried the title, because he lived in Maryamah a citylocated near Seiwun.

They are descendants of Ahmad Wali Allah ibn al-Hasan ibnMualim At-Thawil bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ahmad al-Faqih bin Abdurahmanbin Alwi al-Faqih Ammu.
Basurroh given the title because he has a bundle (surrah) isalways preserved and taken everywhere he went, so everyone thinks that packagecontains valuable items. But after his death that the package is opened and thecontents were religious books are always readable for life.
Abdurahman Ba-Surroh Wali Allah was born in the town ofTarim, blessed with a son named Muhammad.
Abdurahman Ba-Surroh Wali Allah died in Tarim in 888 H.

They are one family of Aal Alaydrus. Wali Allah they areDatuk Abdullah bin Hussein bin Abdullah bin al-Syaich Aydrus bin Abi Bakr binAbdurrahman al-Sakran Assaqaf.
That carried the title track he associated with his bint Abi Bakr Syarifah bin Abdullah was the first Basyamilah dubbed byal-Shulaibiyah. The next title was attached to his daughter Alwiyah bintAbdullah bin Alwi Bajahdab wife Fatima and the grandson of al-Habib Husin, thetitle of al-Shulaibiyah was attached to al-Habib Husin and his derived from the word al-Sholaba firm that has meaning. Aishaal-Syarifah given that title because it has a firm stance, especially in theteachings of Islam.
Ahmad Wali Allah al-Shalabiyah born in the town of Tarim, aboy blessed with 7 members, namely: Abu Bakr and Abdullah (his descendants arein India), Ali, Muhammad, Abdurahman, Hussein and Syaich (descendants mostly inIndonesia).
Ahmad Wali Allah al-Tarim Shalabiyyah died in the year 1028H.

Aal Al-Shafi Al-Jufri
They are descendants of Wali Allah Syaichan bin Alwi Alwibin Abdullah bin al-Attarisi Chowas bin Abu Bakr bin Muhammad al-Djufri bin Alibin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Shahid al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
Al-Shofi degree because he attached himself to the sacrednature (Safail-hearts) and also his father gave the name to the name of hisancestor al-Shafi
Wali Allah al-Shafi Syaichan born at Mecca, a man blessedwith 3 children namely Maqbul, Umar, Abdullah. Two of his descendants continuedthe Umar and Abdullah.
Syaichan Wali Allah As-Shafi died at Mecca in 1089 AH

Aal Al-Shafi Al-SAQQAF
They are descendants of Wali Allah al-Shafi Umar binAbdurrahman al-Mualim bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdurrahman al-Saqqaf.
Al-Shofi award because he has a clarity of heart and mind,clean feeling, the softness of nature. Wali Allah al-Shafi Umar died in thetown of Tarim

They are descendants of Taha bin Omar bin al-ShafiAbdurahman al-Mualim bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdurrahman al-Saqqaf and alsothe descendants of his grandson al-Habib Umar bin Taha Taha bin Omar binal-Shafi.
Taha is one of the Prophet's name. They named by Tahabecause bertabarruk to Rasullah saw.

Aal Al-Tahir
Wali Allah they are the descendants of Tahir bin Muhammadbin Abdullah bin Hashim bin Abdurahman bin Abdurahman bin Ahmad bin Muhammadbin Abdurahman bin Alwi bin Ahmad al-Faqih bin Abdurahman bin Alwi al-FaqihAmmu.
Wali Allah ibn Muhammad Tahir was born in the town of Tarim,a man blessed with 5 children and only one offspring are named Hussein.
Wali Allah ibn Tahir Muhammad died in the town of Tarim in1163 Hijri.

The first time was called al-Wali Allah al-Adani is QuthubAbu Bakr bin Abdullah al-Aydrus bin Abu Bakr al-Sakran.
That carried the matter of degree because he left his nativetown of Tarim emigrated to the city of Aden in South Yemen, and until hefinally settled in the city of Aden was therefore nicknamed him in al-Adani.Quthub Wali Allah al-Abdullah bin Abu Bakr al-Aydrus it first entered the cityof Aden, then it rained milk in the city of Aden.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr al-Adani was born in the town of Tarim,and blessed with a son named Ahmad. Ahmad and his two children and MuhammadAqil has no keturunan.Waliyullah Abu Bakr al-Adani d. 914 H in the city ofAden.

They are the descendants of Abdul Malik ibn al-Faqih AlwiAmmu.In India they are known with a degree in Urdu Azhamat which is a titlethat shows the glory and honor. While Chan family means. So Azhamat Chan is anoble and honorable family. Of India, most of them emigrated to Siam, Cambodiaand Indonesia. Among them are the scholars known as the Wali Songo.

Al-Aqil is the title given to children and grandchildrenWali Allah:
1.Aqil bin Salim bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Abdullahbin Abdurrahman al-Saqqaf.
2.Aqil Muthohhar bin Hamid bin al-Shaikh Abu Bakr bin Salimbin.
3.Aqil bin Abdullah bin Umar bin Yahya.
Aqil Abdullah bin Salim bin man endowed with 5 children:Salim, Syaichon, Muhammad, Zein (offspring bin Salim al-Agil in Lisik),Abdurahman, known as al-Aqil bin Salim bin Atthas

They are descendants of Aqil Wali Allah ibn Abd al-ImamMuhammad bin Assegaf Dawilah Maula Ali bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin al-Faqihal-Muqaddam.
Assegaf Abdurrahman bin Aqil Wali Allah was born in the townof Tarim. A person endowed with a boy named Abdurrahman.Abdurrahman bin Aqilman endowed with 3 children:
2.Muhammad al-Mualim Ba'aqil
Hasan and Muhammad al-Hadi reduce descent 'al-al-SeqqafBa'aqil'
3.Umar, lowering descent al-Ba'aqil (Abdullah and Abdurahman).
Wali Allah 'Aqil bin Abdurrahman Assegaf died in 871 H inthe town of Tarim.

As is well known that anyone who bernasab to Ubaidillah binAlwi bin Isa bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ali bin al-Uraidhi Ja'far al-Sadiq tothe end nasab noble, it is called Ba'alawi.
There are some who do not hold qabilah with a certaindegree, it is known by the title mareka Ba'alawi like Aal-Ba'alawi the bernasabto Abu Bakr al-Wara '.

He is al-Habib Ali bin Ahmad al-Lala Mualim bin Hasanal-Thawil bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Alwi Abdurrahman ibn al-FaqihAmmu. Lala's degree in Urdu means wealthy. So the merchant Ali Ali Lala.

They are descendants of Aqil Wali Allah bin Abdurrahman binSalim bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman Assegaf.
According to Habib Ali bin Hasan al-Attas (Shohib al-Mashad)in his book al-Qirthos Fi Manaqib al-Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman al-Attas saidthat the award because the sacred al-Attas, namely sneezing in his mother'sbelly while saying Alhamdulillah, the where the words are heard by his mother.According to Habib Ali who first sneeze in the mother's abdomen Aqil bin Salim,the brother of Shaikh Abu Bakr bin Salim, then the title used by his sonAbdurahman. While his son took the title of Muhammad and Zein al-Aqil ibnSalim. Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Amudi Bamasymus said: 'No al-Abdullah K.exception and no exception Umar al-Attas'. Arabic athasa sneezing and sneezingof people who are called al-Aththas. Abdurahman bin Aqil Wali Allah ibn Salimwas born in the city Lisik. He was blessed with five sons, three of whom wenton his descendants, that is;
1.Abdullah, his descendants are in Yafi '(Hadramaut)
2.Aqil, descendants of al-Attas al-Aqil (Khuraidhoh)
3.Umar (Sohibur Ratib) offspring are mostly located inIndonesia.He is a boy blessed with 9 people, but that his descendants menruskanonly 4 people, namely:
a.Husein, lowering descent al-Attas, called al-Muchsin,al-Hamzah al-Ahmad, al-Talib, al-Umar, al-Hasan, al-Ali, al-Abdullah.
b.Salim, his descendants are in Khuraidhoh, Jubail, India,Pekalongan, Penang and Katiwar.
c.Abdullah, his descendants are in Amud, Inaq, Jadfaroh,Luhrum, Java and Bihan (Syihir).
d.Abdurrahman, descendants in Khuraidhoh, Luhrum, Java andIndia.
Aqil Wali Allah bin Abdurrahman bin Salim died in the cityHuraidhoh.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Abdullah ibn Abi Bakribn Abd al-Sakran Assegaf. For so-called al-Aydrus according to the author ofal-Masra 'because the title is the title of leader of the trustees and a greatname for a mystic. And others say the name comes from al-Aydrus Utayrus saidthat in the Indonesian language means to be like Tiger or Lion. No doubt thatthe lion is king of the jungle and Aidrus is the leader of the guardians of histime. In addition, the title was a gift from datuknya, because in his childhoodhe was always called by datuknya Wali Allah Utayrus Abdurrahman Assegaf withthe nickname.
He was born in the town of Tarim in the year 811 H.Dzulhijjah Man blessed with 5 children: Abu Bakr, Muhammad, Alwi, Sych andHusin. Of the five sons who continued the descent only 3 he is:
1.Alwi, which lowers the descendants of al-Aydrus: al-Ahmadal-Muhtaji. The breed was in Bor, in the Sham, in Dhafar (Hadramaut) and inJava.
2.Husein, lowering descent al-Aydrus: Umar bin al-Zain,al-Ismail, Hazem al-, al-Tsiby, al-Ma'igab (lower: Syarim Ahmad, Hasan binAbdullah, Abdullah bin Abbas, Hussein Habib Wali Allah Bin Abu Bakar, outsideof the stem)
3.Syaich, lowering descent al-Aydrus: al-Shalabiyah and AliZainal Abidin.
Wali Allah Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr Sakran died on 12 Ramadan865 H on the road between Syihir and Tarim (Hadramaut).

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Muhammad ibn AliMaula Aidid Huthah shahib al-Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin al-Faqih binAlwi Abdurrahman ibn al-Faqih Ammu.
Given the title al-Aidid because he lived in an uninhabitedhamlet called "Wadi Aidid" is a hamlet located in the mountainousarea west of the town of Tarim Resources and founded a mosque to the place ofworship and beruzlah (exile) from the crowd. Aidid village becomes fragrant andbright light clang with the blessing of al-Habib Muhammad.
Muhammad Wali Allah Maula Aidid was born in the town ofTarim.Man blessed with 4 children: Alwi, Abdullah, Abdurahman and Ali.Of thefour children were only 3 people who continue their offspring.Named Abdullahand Abdurrahman Bafaqih dubbed with the title of which later became theancestor of al-Bafaqih. While his son Ali remains dubbed Aidid who then lowereddescent al-Aidid.
Muhammad Wali Allah Maula Aidid died in 862 H in the town ofTarim.

They are the descendants of Ali bin Umar bin Muhammad binSalim bin Umar bin Ali bin Umar bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
Ba'Umar is famous progenitor of Ali ibn Umar that a trusteehas a high degree of Allah swt.

They are the descendants of Ali ibn Wali Allah Auhaj Alwibin Abu Bakr al-Facher bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Alwi Abdurrahman ibn FaqihAmmul.
He was called by Auhaj since settled in the hamlet calledAuhaj Yemen. Wali Allah al-Alwi Auhaj born in the town of Tarim. Blessed with 3children namely Ahmad, Ali and Abdullah. Wali Allah al-Alwi Auhaj died in 887 Hin Tarim (Hadramaut).

Abud is the nature of words for people who do a lot ofworship and sometimes used as a title for a man named Abdullah al-Ba'abud likeancestor and one of them is Abdullah Wali Allah (Abud) Maghfun bin Abdurahmanbin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Alwi Babathinah bin Ahmad Ammu bin Abdurahman binAlwi al-Faqih.
A. Al-Ba'abud Maghfun, the first time the title was the sonof Wali Allah Ba'abud Abdullah bin Muhammad Maghfun namely: Muhammad Ba'abudMaghfun. He dubbed the 'Maghfun' because like beruzlah with a view closer toAllah swt. Maghfun Wali Allah Muhammad was born in the town of Tarim, he was inBor descendants of Hadramaut, Madina al-Munawwaroh, Egypt and Indonesia.Muhammad Wali Allah Abud died in the town of Tarim in the year 975 H.
2. Al-Ba'bud Dubjan, they are the descendants of Muhammadal-Faqih al-Muqaddam, girded by Wali Allah Abud Abdullah bin Ali bin Ahmad binMuhammad Dubjan bin Abdullah Ba'alawi. About designation Dubjan defined by twoterms, namely: first, a hamlet in the mean Dubjan Hadramaut, where the fatherof Ali Wali Allah Abdullah bin Ahmad Abud is settled in the hamlet Dubjan.Second, Dubjan defined by the beauty or gallantry. Perhaps Abdullah bin AliWali Allah families are those gallant and brave. Abdullah Wali Allah Abud wasborn in the city Gasam and died in 816 H. His descendants are in Ghaiydhah, inDifar, in India and in Indonesia.
3. Al-Ba'bud Charbasyan, a descendant of Muhammad al-Faqihal-Muqaddam that this is the title of Wali Allah Abud Abdullah bin Muhammad binAli bin Ali Maula Dawilah bin Alwi bin al-Faqih.About designation Charbasyanmean a hamlet around the city of Makkah al-Mukarromah, where the ancestors ofAhmad Wali Allah bin Abi Bakr lived in the village. He was born in Makkahal-Mukarromah and died in the town of Tarim in the year 947 H.

They are a family of al-qabilah Baiti nation pliers to AbuBakr bin Ibrahim bin Abdurrahman al-Saqqaf. And who was given the title ofal-Ghazali was Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn al-renowned Salim bin Abdullah binAbdullah. His father gave the title to this title because it hoped that his sonbe like Imam al-Ghazali, though only for some of the science and charity.

They are the descendants of Abu Bakr al-Hasan bin Ali binGhusnu bin Muhammad bin Hasan bin Muhammad Jamallullail Asadullah ibn Hasan ibnAli ibn Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam. Al-Ghusnu title given because he was agentle and humble of the surrounding community and was always generous to hisfamily.

They are qabilah of al-Charbasyan Ba'abud family. And thefirst was called by al-Ghamri is Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ahmad binAlwi bin Abi Bakr bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Ali bin Muhammad bin AbudDawilah Maula Ali bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
Al-Ghamri award because when he moved from Hadramaut toal-Madinah sacred Munawaroh look perfect. The Arabs called it al-Ghumri whichmeans plenty of water, and people with al-Ghamri menggelarinya because he was agenerous and gracefully.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Umar bin Abdurrahmanal-Hamra shahib '. That carried the title because his grandfather gave him thename of the al-Ghaits, as tabaruk to a famous Wali Allah Abul-Ghaits bin Jamil.
Descendants are in the Middle East and Indonesia (mainly inKalimantan). Umar bin Ahmad Wali Allah al-Balghaits died in Lahij.

He is Abu Bakr bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Abu Bakr al-Wara'bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam. He was called by al-Ghaidhi asresiding in an area al-Ghaidhoh on the East coast of Hadramaut which manyovergrown trees.

Fad'aq is a kind of tiger. Alawiyin ancestors who receivedthis title because it has a strong character and courage like Tiger whenDa'wah. Fad'aq have three families, namely;
A. Descendants Fad'aq Wali Allah Umar bin Muhammad binAbdullah al-Wathab Munaffir. He was born in Hadramaut and jami Gasam boys were6 people, 3 of them lowered his descendants
a.Ali, lower al-Fad'aq Abunumai, descendants only in DhifarMagad and in Hadramaut.
b.Alwi, the offspring only in India.
c.Ibrahim, just being in Gasam descendants, in Dhifar inMagad and North Yemen.
Wali Allah Abdullah bin Umar Fad'aq Wathab died in Jami'Gasam in the year 910 AH.
2. Descendants Fad'aq Wali Allah bin Muhammad bin Abdullahbin Mubarak bin Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Wathab Munaffir. He was born in Baydlo'and blessed with five children, who continued his descent only 3 children,namely: Hasan, Abdullah Aqil and the offspring are many in Indonesia. He diedin the city Baydlo 'the year 1000 H.
3. Descendants Wali Allah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Muhammadbin Alwi Maula Dawilah known as Baiti Fad'aq.

Al-Bafaqih carried by two persons, namely: Abdurrahman binMohammed and Abdullah bin Aydid Maula Maula Muhammad Aydid. Ibn Faqih Bafaqihtitle means. He learned the science of jurisprudence as a pious grandfather andmaster the science of jurisprudence.
Wali Allah Bafaqih Abdurrahman was born in the town of Tarimand has 5 children, 3 of which offspring are: Ahmad, Zain and Atthayib.WaliAllah Bafaqih Abdurrahman died in 884 H.
Bafaqih Abdullah Wali Allah was born in Tarim, blessed with3 children, 2 of them offspring are: Hussein and Ahmad. He died a few yearsafter the death of his brother Abdurrahman Bafaqih.

Bilfaqih title is ascribed to the Wali Allah ibn Muhammadibn Abd al-Rahman Asqo 'bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ahmadbin Muhammad al-Faqih Muqaddam .. Bilfaqih obtained a degree because he isknown as a jurist and follow in the footsteps of his father.
Bilfaqih Abdurrahman bin Mohammed Wali Allah was born in thetown of Tarim, blessed with six sons, namely: Ali, Alwi, Mohammed Abubakar,Husin, Ahmad. Of the six boys who continued his descent only two children:Hussein and Ahmad.
Abdurrahman bin Mohammed Wali Allah Bilfaqih died in thetown of Tarim in 966 H

The first time in dubbed al-Faqih al-Wali Allah al-Muqaddamis Ustadz A'zhom Muhammad ibn al-'Ali bin Muhammad shahib Marbath.
That carried the title because he is a jurist who masteredthe science of jurisprudence and Hadramaut due to the country he also became asafe country. In addition, Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Ali al-Faqih al-Muqaddam onethat runs on kefaqiran tariqa. Al-Muqaddam nickname given to him, because hewas a leading / role model. His tomb is the first place visited by the pilgrimsat the sanctuary Zanbal Tarim.

Aal-Bafaraj is attributed to the hereditary title of WaliAllah al-Faraj bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Masrafah Ahmad bin Abdullah bin AlwiAbdurrahman ibn al-Faqih Ammu.
He obtained a degree because his father called Faraj (meanshappy or blessed) with the aim to become a pious child is full of fun andblessings of Allah Almighty.
Wali Allah ibn Ahmad Faraj was born in the town of Tarim, aman blessed with 4 children: Abu Bakr, Umar, and Abdullah Alwi. Wali Allah ibnAhmad Faraj died in the town of Tarim year 876H.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Muhammad bin Abu Bakrbin Ahmad bin Hasan bin Ali bin Abi Bakr bin Salim Syaich.
Carried the title because he has a daughter named Fatima,who comes from the word Fatama, then the people nicknamed Abu-Futhaim.
Wali Allah Muhammad Abu Futhaim born in the town of Tarim,blessed with 5 children, 4 of which offspring are: Abdurrahman, Hussein, Umarand Alwi. Wali Allah Muhammad Abu Futhaim died in North Yemen city of San'a.

The first time in Fardy was nicknamed Wali Allah al-Alwi binAbdullah bin Ali bin Abi Bakr al-Facher bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Abdurahmanbin Alwi al-Faqih Ammu. That carried the title because he was renowned as anexpert in the science of his day Faraid as mentioned in the book of al-Masyra'.

Aal Al-Qadri
The first one is called Wali Allah al-Qadri Aqil binAbdullah bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Abdurrahman bin Ali bin Ahmad bin MuhammadJamallullail
Al-Qadri is a word derived from the phrase qadarullah thedestiny of God Almighty. As for the title of al-Qadri as he was always leaningall things to God Almighty that is visible from the words and deeds.
Pontianak city founder Abdurahman bin Hussein al-Qadri is adescendant of the brother Salim bin Abdullah Abdullah bin Aqil. Aqil Wali Allahibn Abdullah al-Qadri died in Tarim.

They continued to nasabnya Quthban bin Aqil Wali Allah ibnAhmad ibn Abu Bakr al-Sakran bin Abdurahman Assaggaf. Quthban named because heis a brave man to defeat his enemies.

Aal-Qori '
Who first called Wali Allah al-Qari is Abdurahman binIbrahim bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman Assaqqaf. Degree, dressing, because he isa famous reciter.

Aal Al-kaf
They are descendants of Ahmad Wali Allah ibn Muhammad ibnAhmad ibn Abu Bakr al-Djufri. That carried the title has two versions:
1.Waliyullah Ahmad bin Muhammad al-kaf can beat someone whoclaims to champion who has extraordinary powers. Awesome power that Hadramautlanguage called "kaf".
2.Dalam a case in court, the judge asked Ahmad Wali Allahibn Muhammad al-kaf write a code. The code was written the letter kaf thensince then people call him by his title of al-kaf
Ahmad Wali Allah ibn Muhammad al-kaf was born in the town ofTarim, blessed with 2 children and a man named Abu Bakr Muhammad. Ahmad WaliAllah ibn Muhammad al-kaf Tarim died in 911 Hijri year.

He was Umar bin Abdurrahman bin Mohammed al-Saqqaf DawilahMaula al-Alwi bin Ali bin Muhammad bin al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.Wali Allah al-Umarbin Abdurrahman al-Muhdhar saqqaf had no sons, only the possession of fourgirls.
Wali Allah al-Umar bin Abdurrahman al-Muhdhar saqqaf died atTarim in the year 833 AH, when prostrate at midday prayers.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Umar bin Abi Bakr binSalim Syaich. It bears the title because his father called him Muhdhar so hegets the blessing of his ancestors Muhdhar Wali Allah Umar bin AbdurrahmanAssegaf.
Umar al-Wali Allah Muhdhar Inat born in the city, blessedwith 2 children boy named Ali and Abu Bakr, they lose keturunanan al-Muhdhar.Other descendants of al-Muhdhar is al-Mahadir. Umar al-Wali Allah Muhdhar Inatdied in the year 997 H.

Aal Al-Mahjub
Dubbed al-Mahjub are:
A. Wali Allah bin Abdurahman bin Abdullah bin Hasan binHasan bin Syaich Syaich bin Ali bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Syaich Dawilah Maula.Wali Allah al-Abdullah was born in Makho Mahjub "Hadramaut, a man blessedwith 3 children. Of his son Ahmad al-Mahjub lower descent residing inHadramaut.
2. Sholeh Ali al-Wali Allah al-Mahjub bin Abu Bakr binAbdullah bin Ibrahim bin Sholeh bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Syaich binal-Imam Abdurahman Assegaf. He was born in the town of Tarim, blessed with ason named Abdullah al-Mahjub lower in Indonesia (mainly in Banjarmasin). Hedied at Tarim in the year 1151 H.
That carried the title because he always beruzlah, drawcloser to God to ask directions to overcome the damage of time.

Who first dubbed al-Ahmad Wali Allah is Maknun maknun binUmar bin Ahmad bin shahib Maryamah Alwi Abdurrahman bin Assaqqaf.That carriedthe title, because he lived in Maknun name of a place known in the Hadramaut.

They are the descendants of Muhammad al-Wali Allahal-Majdzub famous bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin al-Ashghor Syahabuddin binAbdurahman bin Ahmad al-Qadi al-Akbar Syahabuddin bin Abdurahman bin Ali binAbu Bakar Syaich al-Sakran.
Muhammad al-Habib holds two degrees, namely al-renowned andal-Majdzub. That carried the title because he is a trustee of the famous allover the country, where sainthood is derived from God Almighty to Jadzab(kewaliannya without preceded by practice).
Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-famous born in the town ofTarim, a man endowed with 3 children:
1.Abdurahman, his descendants are in Malibar.
2.Alwi, ancestor of the famous al-descendants in ahwar,Tarim and in Indonesia (Surabaya)
3.Abdullah, a man blessed with 4 children, 2 of them haveoffspring, respectively:
a.Umar, al-famous ancestor in Tarim. One of his descendantsis al-Allamah al-Habib Abdurrahman bin Mohammed bin Hussein al-renowned authorof the book of al-Dzahirah Syamsu nasab Alawiyin book about the guidelinesAr-Rabita al-Alawiyah in Indonesia. Umar bin Abdullah bin Muhammad al-famous offspringin Hadramaut, Malaysia and Indonesia.
b.Ahmad, had a son named Muhammad al-Zahir.
Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-famous Tarim died in theyear 1130 H.

They are descendants of the son of Ahmad Wali Allah Syaichbin Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Wathab Munaffir. Syaich Wali Allah ibn Ahmadal-Marzaq Syibam born, he was the ancestor:
1.Al-Marzaq, of his descendants named Syaich (Syaich binAlwi bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Syaich Marzaq)
2.Al-famous al-Marzaq, of his descendants called Muhammad(Muhammad bin Alwi bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Marzaq bin Alwi bin Syaich Marzaq)
Syaich Wali Allah ibn Ahmad al-Marzaq died in the year 940H. Syibam City

The first time was called Wali Allah al-Maqaddy Umar binAbdurrahman bin Ahmad bin Abdurahman bin Syuroim Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Alwibin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam. That carried the title, because helived in a famous place which is located near the town of al-Hami al-Sahiliyahin Hadramaut.

They are descendants of Ahmad Wali Allah bin Alwi Alwi binAbdullah bin Muhammad bin Dawilah Maula. Title of al-Muqaibil is a commendabledegree, it encompasses the nature tawadhu '. This title is given because whenhe received the honor of a person, always happy to reciprocate and confrontsher.
Ahmad Wali Allah al-Muqaibil born in Tarim, blessed with 5children, 2 of them which lowers the offspring that is Zain and Abdurahman.

They are descendants of Wali Allah Musyaiyyah bin Abdullahbin al-Ali bin Abi Bakr Syaich As-sakran.
Wali Allah al-Musyayyach born in the town of Tarim, blessedwith two children, a man named Abdullah who was in India and his descendantsare descendants Abdurahman was in Indonesia. Wali Allah al-Musyayyach died atTarim in the year 915 H.

Giving the title al-Musawa merupaka tabarukkan to a greatteacher who lived in Yemen called al-Musawa. And who was nicknamed al-Musawais:
1.Waliyullah Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakral-Sakran. He was born in Tarim man blessed with 3 children, two of which aredescendants Hussein Yasin and mostly in Indonesia. He died in 992 AH Tarimyear.
Ahmad al-Musawa 2.Waliyullah Bahsin bin Abdurahman binAbdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Hussein bin Abdurahman Assegaf Syaich. He was bornin Tarim, a man blessed with 4 children, two of them:
a.Husein, his descendants are in Yemen Lahij.
b.Abdullah, descendants in Indonesia (Semarang).
He died in 965 Hijri in Tarim.

They are descendants of Aqil Wali Allah bin Alwi binAbdurahman bin Ali bin Aqil bin Abu Bakr bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Ahmad binAbu Bakr al-Sakran.
Held by al-Munawwar because he is a good and diligent in theworship of God Almighty Allah so that the light looks on his face beaming, andpeople who are given the gift of light / nur al-called Munawwar.
Alwi bin Aqil Wali Allah al-Munawwar Seiwun born in thecity, a man blessed with 3 children, two of which were named Abdurahman andAbdullah are descendants mostly in Indonesia.
Alwi bin Aqil Wali Allah al-Munawwar Seiwun died in the year1170 H.

They are the descendants of Abdullah bin Aqil Wali Allah isSyaich bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Muhammad bin al-Wathab Munaffir. That carriedthe title because of his regular habit to pray in congregation at mosquesMadihij.
Wali Allah Abdullah bin Aqil al-Madihij born in the town ofTarim, endowed with four men, only one of his descendants continued the binAbdullah bin Aqil Aqil. Abdullah bin Aqil Wali Allah died in the year 970 H.Tarim

They are descendants of Wali Allah bin Abdullah bin AlwiMuthahhar bin Mubarak bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abdullah binMuhammad al-Wathab Manfar.
Wali Allah al-Muthahhar Gasam born, a boy blessed with twopeople, one of whom was named Abdullah. Wali Allah al-Muthahhar Gasam died inthe year 1117 AH.

Who first called Wali Allah al-Nahwi is the son of HarunAbdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Hasan Jamalullail. Degreethat carried by al-Masra Shohib ', because he is a very proficient in sciencenahwu, so he called al-Nahwi.

Aal Al-Nadir
The first time was called Wali Allah al-Nadir Mohammed binAbdullah al-Ahmar ibn Umar bin Abdurrahman bin Alwi Uyun Ammul Faqih. Thatcarried the title, because he was a gallant and good, which in Arabic it iscalled the Nadir.

They are the descendants of Abu Wali Allah Numay binAbdullah bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Syaich Wathab bin Muhammad al-Manfar. WaliAllah Abu Numay born in Masyghah, blessed with 3 children man named Abdullah,and Mohammed Aqil. He died in the year 1020 Masyghah H.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Ali bin Abdullah binHussein bin Syaich Muhsein bin Abu Bakr bin Salim. That carried the titlebecause of his Da'wah with a loud voice was like thunder. Sounds like that iscalled Haddar.
He was born in Hadramaut Inat, blessed with two boys one is:Hafidz and Umar. His descendants only in Java. He died in the city Inat year1148 Hijri.
Brother Abdullah bin Ali bin Ali is Wali Allah al-Hadi whoHaddar blessed with a son named Salim that his descendants are in Ternate. diedin the city Inat year 1149 H.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Muhammad binAbdurahman bin Ahmad al-Qadi al-Akbar Syahabuddin bin Abdurahman bin Ali binAbi Bakr Syaich al-Sakran.
That carried the title because his father's expectationsbertabaruk to al-Hidayah Apostle, in the hope that their children receive theguidance, it has proven to sainthood Abdurahman Muhammad ibn al-Hadi.
Wali Allah Muhammad al-Hadi was born in the town of Tarim,blessed with 2 children, one of whom was named Seggaf the lower descent al-Hadiin Indonesia. He died in the town of Tarim in 1040 H.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Umar bin Ahmad binMuhammad bin Hasan bin Ali Maula Dawilah. That carried the title because thebody is very strong and his faith is like a sharp sword made of steel fromIndia. The sword is called Hinduan.
Umar al-Wali Allah Hinduan born in Tarim, blessed with a sonnamed Abdullah. Wali Allah al-Hinduan Umar died in the year 917 H. Tarim

The first time was called Wali Allah al-Baharun Harun binAli bin Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Hasan al-Jamalullail Mualim Hasan binMuhammad bin Asadilah Atturabi.
That carried the title because he gave the name of Aaron'sfather hopes his son was having such properties Nabiyullah Harun, Harun binHasan proved to be a great Wali Allah.
Aaron Wali Allah ibn Hasan was born in Tarim, a man blessedwith 4 children: Ali, Ahmad, Abdurahman and Abdullah al-Saleh. Wali Allah Hasanibn Harun died in 905 AH Tarim year.

They are the descendants of al-Habib Ahmad bin Hashim binAbdullah bin Ahmad bin Alwi Alwi bin Abdurahman bin al-Faqih Ammu. Ba Hashim isa title taken from the name of their grandfather Hashim bin Abdullah bin Ahmad.Every one of his descendants are called Ba Hashim.

Wali Allah they are the descendants of Hasan ibn Ali ibnYahya al-Alwi bin Muhammad bin Annaz Dawilah Maula. That carried the titlebecause by naming his son John, his father hopes that her son had tersebur asprophet Yahya blessing that can illuminate the arid heart.
Wali Allah Yahya bin Hasan was born in Tarim, a boy blessedwith three people, two of which his descendants continued the Hasan and Ahmad.Wali Allah Hasan bin Yahya bin Yahya died in the town of Tarim in 956 H.http :// /

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