Allah creates human in different forms. There is the handsome one,the ugly one, the beautiful one, and so on. Also in different conditions. Thereis the rich one, the moderate one, and the poor one. Those differences are not anythingthat must be repented. Because, Allah creates something must be the benefit.Likewise abut those differences. If there is some one thing that it’s not fair,he is big fault. In fact, if among that differences meet each other, so createdthe harmony. The rich one needs the poor one, and the contrary. Imagine! Ifhuman is created in the same forms and conditions, what with happen with thisworld? Surely we may not to imagine it. From those differences, every one cannot life alone. They need each other. That’s why created an intercourse amongthem
Intercourse is something that need by everyone in this world. Fromchildren, teenager, adult, until old. Like on Surah Al-Hujurat: 13,
$pkš‰r'¯»tƒ â¨$¨Z9$# $¯RÎ) /ä3»oYø)n=yz`ÏiB9x.sŒ 4Ós\Ré&uröNä3»oYù=yèy_ur $\/qãèä© Ÿ@ͬ!$t7s%ur(#þqèùu‘$yètGÏ9 4 ¨bÎ) ö/ä3tBtò2r& y‰YÏã«!$#öNä39s)ø?r& 4 ¨bÎ) ©!$# îLìÎ=tã ׎Î7yz ÇÊÌÈ
O you men! surely We have created you of a maleand a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other;surely the most honorable of you withAllah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing,Aware.
From the verse above, we know that the intercourse is needed byeveryone in order to know each other among them. Then, they can help each otherand they also can give the benefits to others. At last created solidarity amongthem. Surely, they will have many friends.
Not always the intercourse is well. It’s also can result in bad.Some crimes can happen in it. Moreover in the teenager intercourse. Where theyare looking for the genuine of their self and they are in spirit condition thatemotional. In the condition like that, is more easy for them to receive thestrange cultural elements. Like the west culture. At usually they will doeverything that same as their trend with as pleasure as their heart. They don’tthink about the effect from the action. They just thing if everything that theydo is true. So, the possibility to happened the free intercourse is large. But,not always of the teenager intercourse is like that. It depends on each oftheir self. It is useful if they limit their sight to their opposite kind. Becausein this period there are many of free intercourse between man and woman. That happensin teenager life.
Surely, we don’t want to trapped in mislead intercourse. So, whatthe nice if we hold on the religious teaching and valid regulation in thesociety. Before we do something, we must to think twice. Is it suitable or notfor us. And is it useful or not.
This is the actions that fit with religious teaching;
a) we must always have thesolidarity
b) we must keep away from enviousto everyone
c) we must pardon each other inevery mistake
Now! We have to know that the intercourse is importantfor us. But, we must be carefully to associate. Because there are many ofintercourse is made as an media to do the crime. Be remember to Allah everywhere we are there. Insya Allah we will afraid to do the crime. And the mostimportant is “Don’t repent the difference, because it is a variety and varietyis spice of life.”
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