Allah He will say: "I will exalt those whobelieve and people of knowledge". The Prophet SAW said: "Scholars arethe inheritors of the Prophet Muhammad"
Who is the successor of Prophet Muhammad SAWscholars?
In the Al-Qur `an and Hadith on the many opinionsthat the cleric is the successor to the Prophet Muhammad who passed by herfriends, including:
1. Sayyidina AbubakarRA Assiddiq
2. Sayyidina Umar binKhattab RA
3. Sayyidina ibn AffanRA Ustman
4. Sayyidina Ali bin AbiTalib RA
After the companions kewafatan narrators-narratorsof Hadith and Al-Qur `an forwarded by scholars, including:
Imam Maliki
Imam Hambali
Syafi Imam `i
Imam Hanafi
Throughout the Imam is the successor to the ProphetMuhammad that teach about God and the Prophet Muhammad. To this day, they alsofollowed the teachings of their followers. Especially in our country Indonesia,mostly followers of Imam Syafi `i.
He is an expert in Fiqh, Tawheed and Sufism. Nearlyabout 150 Fak science he mastered. Because of his intelligence he was apriest.His teachings in Indonesia, especially to the people of the ProphetMuhammad invited to:
1. Tawakal(Submit yourself to God)
2. Qana`ah (Received improvised nature that comes from Allah SWT)
3. Wara'(Be cautious in the run of religion)
4. Believe(To believe in Allah and what is brought by the Prophet Muhammad)
He told about in the book Tauhidnya tawakal, Qana`ah in the book Fiqihnya, Wara 'in the book of mystical and confident in thebook Dzikirnya. All these sciences he was used by the Wali, Wali Songo inIndonesia and brought him, among the dhikr, dhikr Syafi brought by Imam `i andthe Wali Songo were passed by him:
1. Dhikr-remembrance readings as well as theobligatory prayer Sunnah prayers.
2. Quickreading of the history of Prophet Muhammad SAW
He doctrine accepted byall the people of Indonesia are carried by the Wali Songo to this doctrine iscalled Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama `ah are forwarded by the Ulama, Ulema, and theHabaib Kyai in the year 600 AH.
Scholars, clerics throughout Indonesia that her `ischool of Imam Syafi spread on the island of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan,Sulawesi, especially the city of Jakarta with the Habaib. So the teachings ofImam Syafi `I have first entered into the land of Indonesia before the otherdoctrines that have been so many in the country of Indonesia.The teachings ofImam `i Syafi better known by people close to the form:
a. Yasinand Tahlil readings
b. Readingof Ratib
c. ReadingsMaulid
d. Readingof Sheikh Abdul Qadir Manaqib Mr. Al-Gilani
e. MajlisMajlis-ta `lim yellow book (interpretation of the Qur` an and Hadith)
f. Usholiwear when praying
g. Qunutwear when praying Shubuh.
And still many othersare based on the Al-Qur `an and Hadith the Prophet Muhammad that he wascarrying. So this is called the successors of the Prophet Muhammad scholarsmust we as Muslims are not divided, the new teachings that we would forget toAllah and the Prophet Muhammad and the scholars who bring services such as ImamSyafi `i and the Wali Songo .
Thus understanding theProphet scholars that we must contohi and we follow that we saved from thepunishment of Allah SWT and doom in the world and the hereafter. Make adifference that was not split because the Prophet said: "If the man spokethe words at the end of his life he counted Laa IlahaIlallah a blessed man ofGod in khusnul khotimah". Because Allah says: "There is no compulsionin religion"
Muslims must guardagainst incitement and attempts (the remnants of the business) occupation andJewish lackeys who do not like / want the greatness of Islam and Muslims andtried to destroy and eliminate the Muslim comrades as well as the objectives ofthe program they (the Jews) , Allah says: "And the blessing will never bethe Jews and the Christians until you follow their religion" (SurahAl-Baqarah 120). With a diverse and changing the way and try to ride /manipulate the Muslims themselves to decide the path ummah relationship withProphet, clerical and Superior both living and deceased.
Find the path that has continued to the Al-Qur `an,Hadith, Ijma 'and the figurative (religious examples), through the science ofgenealogy, or an uninterrupted sequence of Shalafuna Sholeh to the ProphetMuhammad, then surely we will be safe in the world and inHereafter
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