Valentine's Day according to Islam Glasses

Many people, especially teenagersdescribe, is like hudup modern western, so-called modern and even teenagerswill follow and imitate the lifestyle and the way they think, one of which isthe Valentin, for us that in fact the religion of Islam, especially claiming tobe students, we often come -cutaneous prepare for the celebration of Valentinein February, exactly on 14. tradition of mutual congratulation day valentine,exchange chocolate, greeting cards, stuffed gifts, red roses mapun seriesdominate the day. Not only that, the mass media, malls, stores, entertainmentcenters ria be busy competing to attract the attention of teens by holding afeast that often lasted until late at night, even early morning. All themedparty is one thing yaituValentine's Day.

History of Valentine's Day there areseveral versions regarding the first of which legends valentine ± 273 M, thereis a religious leader named Valentinebersama his catholic saint marius,secretly opposed the imperial government cladius II. The emperor forbade youngmen to marry for the sake of creating a strong warrior, karma he considers thata young man who has not married when the war better performance. Valentine andcolleagues Nemun secretly still desperate to marry off young couples who intendto enter into a covenant in a marriage. Gradually, the action was tercum byCladius II, Valentine had to bear his actions, he was sentenced to death. Exactdate of February 14 and then yearly around ± 200, ± 430 M Vantikan highestCatholic leader, Pope Gelarius set a date in February 414, as the anniversaryof St. Valentine. There is again a source tells us that he died to helpChristians escape from prison due to mistreatment.

Differences with the roman version beganin ancient Roman times. February 14 is the feast day to commemorate dDewi Juno,she is the queen of the gods trust the Romans, the Roman goddess also admittedthat this is the goddess of women and marriage.
Was exactly a bit of its history until the said Valentine's Day.Valentine's Day is not entirely rooted in respect for the pastor and theworship of free association, that fact has nothing to do with love.
God has spoken

(Al-Isra ': 36)

Valentine's bottom line comes from theChristian tradition that the terms with a strong religious content due to thecelebration of Valentine includes a number of claims or the recognition ofChristian dogma and ideology, such as acknowledge jesus as son of God, directlyor indirectly. While the teachings of Islam, is already included polytheisticdeeds (associating partners with Allah) an act which will not be forgiven byHim.

It may be difficult for us to remove a custom or ideology that isinherent in our lifestyle.

Responding to this, it is good we shiftthe day of love that kehal positife nature and may be able to increase ourfaith and belief. In the religion of Islam itself for example there is Eidal-Fitr which requires every Muslim to spend zakat fitrah, as a form of sharedaffection. Not only that, there are also moments of each other and mutuallyforgiving silaturrahmi sorry, just not always on February 14, especially withthings that are dating, who often do young people in celebrating valentine,lest we become idolatrous because hany -because often went along and did notwant to say old-fashioned and less slang.
As the hadith narrated by Imam Tirmidhi: "Whoever imitates apeople, then he is one of those people are"

Sources: Al-Quran and Translation
Girlie-Zone Magazine Feb-Mar 2009 edition

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