Expert tradition ma'rifat

 Reported by Abu Dharr Prophet said:
"Really I would know who to heaven at the end,and who the hell the last expert out of hell:
Ie a person who on the Day of Resurrection
tomorrow go, and said: "lay her little sins andremove most major sins from him. Then his little sins exposed, then said:
"You do the deed on this day and that, so andso, and you commit a sin that in this day and that, so and so?"

The man replied,"Yes ..." What he could not deny. And Allah is great pity for themany sins committed, sins when it was unfolded to him. Then said to him,"So you are actually for any place where evil was replaced withkindness."
The man bermunajat, "Oh God, I really have donea variety of acts that I do not know
there ..! "
Perowi this hadith says, "What I saw Allah'sApostle, (then) laugh, so it looked molar teeth."
Then he read the verse, "They replace theugliness that is what Allah (sins) with good things."
Pity at the top, is something that is secret yaqinto Allaah, as well as a spiritual condition of his power is delegated to theexpert ma'rifat.
In any case this noble hadith that explains thegreat Divine mercy more than just a phrase that is known of the 'arifun, but maketheir kepleset negligent, and make the added fear of the people who berselaraswith Allah Ta'ala.

Tradition of 'arifin
Saudarku glorious! Anyone who wants to speak with anexpert oral ma'rifat, should keep their word adab, because it can not be ma'rifatregion revealed the details except the experts.
Do not overloadstudents with speech are outside the limits of his ability, also do not preventto disclose when that person is competent to kema'rifatan, so his wordsrevealed ma'rifat with experts, through expert nervously ma'rifat anyway.

If the circles of the Sufis, Sufi should be theexpression.
If the lovers, should be the language of love.
If the ascetic among experts, should be with theirdiscourse.
Each circles, the phrase has appreciated in accordancewith the dignity and rank, according to their reasonable levels. Allah, makethe 'arifin with such languages.

Indeed, it would melt when the overflow of the powerof God Almighty that down, then it should not utter a phrase that is notaligned with the ability of listeners, which could lead to defamation. Becausethe majority of the public are stupid (in the context kema'rifatan) becausethey are more fixated on lahiriyah knowledge, and leave the inner knowledge, sothat they are unable to accept the burden of the views of the phrase 'arifintenderness.
Kalam was the very teosofik a'rifun (Lahutiyah), andthe cue is very sacred, so Azaly discourse. For the listener their discourse,it should shine the lights of the divine and eternal light.

Stated, "Oral spiritual behavior was moreeloquent than the spoken language. Who is willing to conduct spiritual, notwillingly at the Lord of Spiritual Condition, then that person's spiritualcondition terhinakan of himself and his veiled from the Most Great. "

Which is more awesome than the awesomeness of'arifun? If he talks about his spiritual condition, he even destroyed. If he issilent, even burn. When his heart get warid Hadrah divine, verbal actuallyspeechless. And if his heart is gone from Hadhrah even multiplies words.
Dzun Nuun Mishry al-ra said, "I have never seenpeople talk of the Sufis, who spoke with the negligent care of the remembranceof God, but actually talk like that adds to hardness of heart."
Some said, "silence of the 'wise is wisdom, andbiacaranya is ni'mat."
It says, "is not justified in kema'rifatanjustification for people who talk about kema'rifatan the next generation. Well,how to talk ma'rifat the generation of the world? "
I have not talked with any person, unless I firstpray to Allah Ta'ala, then I was just talking.

Who would not feel the sweetness of ma'rifat, andsee the grace, and gratitude ni'mat, qurbah pleasure, fear of separation,intimacy joined with Him, sincere worship, happiness, guidance, he could nottalk about the phrases ma'rifat experts. If he spoke, the ma'rifat not exceedthe limits of the audience, never hinder the greatest need, and do not abandonpeople who negligent.
One time someone came to the 'wise, as he pleaded,"Talk to me ...!"

The 'wise replied, "People like me when withyou, as someone who fell in the dirt, then headed to the artisan perfumes, andsaid," Which is a nice smell? "
Perfume artisan replied, "You go, buy a washingdevice (a kind of soap, etc.. Pent.), Wash yourself and your clothes, then comehere for the perfumed ..."

So also you, when you are impure, unclean berjibratsin in you, so take redammu and mud washing crushed remorse and repentance andinabat take water, and purify your body with a place or a pool of fear andexpectation of impure sins and omissions. Then go to the bathroom and asceticdevotion, wash yourself with water clarity and honesty, then come to me andI'll give fragrance to perfume ma'rifatku.! "
Part of the wise man asked. "I do notunderstand your words ...!"

"Speech that dumb people can not be known byhis mother," replied the wise.
Among the sayings of the Prophet Isa as, "Oowner of speech lessons, be yourself as a doctor who advised that deliver drugsaccording to its benefits, and preventing the disease when the disease wasthreatening him."

Do not let us break down the wisdom not to theexperts, until you are actually stupid, and not to obstruct the wisdom of theexperts, you actually dzalim. Do not open your secrets to anyone, even you areso tainted.

Dzun Nuun ra, said, "I've never seen a blackperson being tawaf in the House, he said," You ... you ... you ... "
No other word than the word alone.
"O servant of Allah, what do you mean by whatyou say that?"
The black man then read the poem:

Thereare no secrets between lovers
Notternodakan by writing and pen
Untilshould tell the tale
Thefire, which was merged with the intimacy
Dileburirevealed that light up on the other
RindukuHim, and I never asked for
Thisis the hidden secrets
YouMunajat Him

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