Thefashion world is a world full of charm and full kegemerlapan. If we carefullyfollow the development of the fashion world, then something seems to be clearis that the mode is not static, but constantly changing. This proves that thehuman being is creative, always creating new things included in the field ofhuman intellect mode.dengan can develop creative power so as to createsomething according to your taste desires. In contrast to animals who have nosense, he will continue to repeat patterns of behavior-that's also, setereotip.Just as a spider's web, since hundreds of years ago remain the same withcobwebs present and future.
Thefashion designers usually tend to "modernize" pieces of clothingaccording to the designer clothes. It can take a look at how rapidly it'sfashion. Every time there are new creations with the blink of an eye has beenuneven. Young people love to wear clothing with new fashion, something thatproves that the new mode has a strong appeal to young people. Especially thedevelopment of fashion apparel for women, it is growing rapidly It appearedthat mode. In young women's fashion clothing is enough "advanced".That pakian whose function it as confidential cover body (genitals), pieces ofclothing that are now made increasingly nyeksi and thrilling lust.
Morefashion show lust or sexiness of a woman's body, which was originally inproduction and in the western world introduksidi by the designers of thefashion there, and the outbreak has now affected most sweeping our society.According to sociologists, fashion is a mental disease epidemic, whichmasarakat imitators in transmissible diseases of mental disorder, so they tendto be stereotyped without appropriate consideration or not. Creation mode isannexed away without careful thought, "Fever mimic" is a kind ofmental illness, from imitating without knowing whether such a piece of clothingin tune or harmony with the physical state or local natural conditions.
Whatabout Islamic law? whether Islam reject mode? not, as long as it closes auratfashion. There is a hadith stating that about worldly matters, Rosulullahinsisted:
If there is areligion (which you do not know) ask me,
If there is aworldly affair, then you better know it. History of Muslim hadith imam.
Above theProphet declared that for the problems of religious dimension must be returnedto Allah's Apostle in accordance with the information resources of Al-Quran andHadith. Worldly affairs issues including the mode is not defined and thereforenot determined exactly how to design it, the principle of decent clothing isoriginal, and still cover the nakedness of the moral boundaries of Islam.
Thereforedo not have to wear the Islamic Indonesia identical to those western clothes,but a matter that should be equal is that the Islamic dress which must coverthe veins only, because the open nakedness is a sign that morality began tocrumble. Since the last few decades, in some villages or village that has a lotof influence from the outside due to the relationships that are more open as aresult of the improved communication, as well as a side effect ofmodernization, the influence of modepun seen there. One thing that can not beseen in the past decades. If fashion is more open nakedness is considered amodern, then this problem should mandapat serious attention from Muslimfamilies. Ethics in the way we get along now been abandoned, many in numberunited fashion, as if they do not want to miss time.
Islamdoes not menapik mode (aesthetics) clothes, but quite the contrary.Kekreatifitasan respect Islam, because it encourages creativity and alwaysmenggalakannya to always create and be creative. In terms of technology andfashion, an element of western culture is so advanced and admired, which isalso widely used and was taken by many countries modernization. The use andacquisition of technology and fashion and even then not have to make a nationto the west, teen Moorish Indonesia Indonesia should be a Muslim teenager,teenagers are the future. If the teenager survived the race will survive thefuture. Outside the enemies of Islam to make a trap for teens so they can bedestroyed until no longer expected. In order to have the mindset and un-Islamicbehavior, then the juvenile shall be at the students and the communitydevelopment based on the Islamic Aqeedah. Now the community needs is a piousyouth, understand the aqeedah of Islam and faith. It is not easy if you live inthe way of Allah, the streets full of keridloan and obedience. At this timeteens who believe that living like a fish on the surface of dry, hot asphalt,hot flounder. If there is no immediate help from the cruelty of the fish willactually die from these examples we can see if the Muslim youth today like it,then a few more years to come, youth are not necessarily to be expected and theproud. Do not sell this identity, be a Muslim teenager who courteous anddignified, and capable of lifting Islamic norms.
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